Land Acknowledgment

We would like to respectfully acknowledge and recognize our responsibility to the original and current caretakers of this land, water, and air: the Cahuilla [ka-wee- ahh], Tongva [tong-va], Luiseño [loo-say-ngo], and Serrano [se-ran-oh] peoples and all of their ancestors and descendants, past, present, and future. Today our region of Inland Southern California is home to many Indigenous peoples from all over the world, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these homelands.

Statement of Ethics

Sweet and Sour Citrus aims to narrate, preserve, and share stories of the past as a way to empower communities and agitate for social justice today and in the future. In doing so, we seek to repair damages that include the omission, silencing, and erasure as well as anonymizing of contributions, labor, and infrastructure of Indigenous, Black, and other people of color, women, and workers. Accordingly, we center the experiences, realities, and lives of oppressed people specifically. We abide by an ethics of care that includes caring not just for the records and stories entrusted to us, but also the people whose lives are implicated in those records and narratives.

Since people hold different cultural perspectives and concerns about appropriate ways of listening, viewing, and using community knowledge, we try to engage contextually and empathetically–to respect such differences.

If you are represented in materials presented on Sweet and Sour Citrus and no longer wish to have your words or images included here, then we will remove them from public view. If you wish to correct historical mistakes we may have made here or add missing information, please let us know by writing to us at or calling (951) 346-2467, and grant us the opportunity to accommodate your request.